Saturday, June 20, 2015

What is a macrobiotic consultation? And how will it benefit you?

Interested in a Macrobiotic Consultation? It's the perfect opportunity to discover what's really going on inside your body and how it's effecting the outside. Whether you are working on a health condition or trying to avoid one, it's a unique educational experience, and an important step toward true health and healing! 
Here's a list of frequently asked questions to review. If you have any additional questions not covered here, please contact us at (800) 975-8744 or email us at Our counselors have over 80 years of combined experience. Through advance visual diagnosis and a detailed health questionnaire they will be able to provide recommendations specifically for you and your unique condition and needs.  
Q. What is a macrobiotic consultation?
A. It is a private session with a Kushi Institute certified macrobiotic teacher/counselor who advises and guides you toward greater health and happiness. The session takes about 60 to 90 minutes and includes personalized dietary recommendations, environmental adjustments, way of life suggestions, and medicinal drinks and home remedies suited to your individual condition and unique needs. 
Q. Who needs a consultation?

A. Whether you are new to macrobiotics or an experienced practitioner, you will benefit from a consultation. While self-healing is encouraged, it is important to get periodic advice and guidance from an experienced practitioner.  Our counselors are experienced in the art of visual diagnosis and are trained to see imbalances in organs, functions, and systems long before they develop into serious symptoms. They are also experienced cooks and are familiar with the Ki—or life energy—of foods and their effects on mind, body, and spirit.

Q. How do I prepare for the consultation?

A. After booking an appointment, you will receive a written form to fill out and email or mail back with your dietary and medical history. Please return this prior to the session. You will receive a special 49-page counseling booklet when you meet with the counselor, including recipes for special drinks or dishes. But during the session, your counselor comprehensively will go over your individual condition and make specific guidelines, so please bring a pen and notebook to take auxiliary notes.

Q. What are the qualifications of K.I. counselors?

A. K.I. counselors have all trained directly with Michio Kushi and have been certified by him or by senior teachers and counselors in macrobiotic philosophy, healthcare, diagnosis, and cooking. They have undergone many years of rigorous training, including apprenticing with Michio or other senior teachers and counselors, and advised hundreds and, in some cases, thousands of clients. 

Q. What about medical advice?

A. Macrobiotic counselors are not physicians. For medical advice, it is best to consult a doctor or healthcare professional. Macrobiotics is not opposed to medical treatment, and counselors often work together with doctors and other healthcare providers to ensure optimal care.

Q. Can I bring a family member or friend to the session?

A. Yes. Bringing someone close to you is encouraged, especially if he or she will be helping with cooking and other home cares.

Q. How much does it cost?

A. Sessions are $325 for an individual and $550 for a couple in person or over the phone. Consultations are also available on a limited bases via Skype for $375. 

Q. What if I have questions after the session? Is there follow up?

A. You may contact your counselor after the session with follow up questions by phone or email. There is no additional charge for the first 15 to 20 minutes’ of further guidance. Beyond that, you may be charged additional fee. In general, a follow up consultation, especially for a serious condition, is recommended after 4 to 6 months to comprehensively review your condition and practice.

Q. If I can’t come to the K.I., can I have a consultation by phone?

A. K.I. consultations may also be arranged online via Skype, by telephone, or by mail. For phone or mail sessions, you will need to send or email a recent facial photograph in color that can be used for diagnosis. In some cases, pictures of your hands and feet may also be requested. Please contact the K.I. office for details.

Q. Are there any recommended books I should get?

A. Aveline Kushi’s Complete Guide to Macrobiotic Cooking (Time-Warner Books) is the standard cookbook. Depending on your condition, The Cancer-Prevention Diet (St. Martin’s Press), Diet for a Strong Heart (St. Martin’s Press), and The Macrobiotic Path to Total Health (Ballantine Books), all written by Michio Kushi and Alex Jack, may also be very helpful. These books are available from the Kushi Store, as well as many bookstores and online merchants.

Q. Where can I get the special foods recommended by my counselor?

A. Macrobiotic quality foods, including most whole grains, beans, and fresh organic produce, are widely available across the country in natural foods stores, as well as in Whole Foods Markets and other large chains. In terms of brands, Mitoku, a Japanese macrobiotic company, produces the highest quality specialty foods from the Far East. Eden Foods, the largest macrobiotic manufacturer in the United States, markets many foods grown and produced in the U.S. and Canada. In your session, your counselor will likely advise sea vegetables, dried vegetables, seasonings, condiments, and other foods that are difficult to find in ordinary outlets. These products, as well as a complete selection of the highest quality whole grains, beans, sugar-free snacks, and other foods you will need, are available from the Kushi Store and Mail order department and can be sent by UPS to you within several days.

Q. Macrobiotics helped me tremendously. I would like to share it with others and train to become a macrobiotic counselor myself. How do I proceed?

A. Many K.I. teachers and counselors were originally clients or students who healed themselves with macrobiotics. They were so inspired that they went on to professional careers as macrobiotic teachers, counselors, and chefs. They enrolled in the K.I. Leadership Training Program, a comprehensive program of three residential levels that each last one month and include professional training in cooking, healthcare, diagnosis, philosophy, and shiatsu massage. Graduates may then take Level 4, the Advanced Certification Program. Level 4 consists of six one-week sessions, including training in giving consultations and homework assignments in between sessions that involve giving cooking classes, lectures, and consultations that are reviewed by senior faculty. For further information, please contact the K.I. Program Department.

Macrobiotic teaching/counseling/cooking is an extremely rewarding career. Every day you will find satisfaction in helping to guide others with pure natural foods, holistic teachings, and respect for all cultures, religions, and traditions. Kushi Institute graduates and certified teachers/counselors are not just healers or chefs, though that is important. They are teachers of life who help guide people toward greater well-being, happiness, and realization of their deepest dreams and aspirations.

Visit for more info.


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